We hack to prevent a Potential Intrusion
Years of penetration testing and general mischief-making have taught us that there’s always a way in. We’ll find it — and help you keep the bad guys out.

Haqtify is a small team of relentless smart hackers to challenge and assess cybersecurity defenses. This attack-to-protect, penetration-testing experience gives us unique insights and helped us develop a complete cybersecurity toolkit for businesses large and small.

Attack and Assess

Test all of your security measures against some of the most creative security professionals. Use that knowledge to strengthen your weaknesses.

Penetration Testing

Application Pen-Testing

API Pen-Testing


Social Engineering

Mobile App Pentesting

Framework Analysis

According to a Fortune article, the average cost of getting hacked is


We can help you prevent from getting hacked and it will cost even less than 1% of it

Pricing Plans

In-depth test of your web application to detect security issues including OWASP Top 10.

starting price

  • OWASP Top 10
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • 3rd Party Integrations
  • Zero-day
  • Open Ports Testing
Get Started
In-depth security test of your iOS and Android application with optional website.

starting price

  • Android App
  • iOS App
  • Website (Optional)
  • Best Practices Check
  • Keys Leakage
Get Started
Not sure which plan fits the best? We can design a custom testing and pricing policy.

custom price

  • Unlimited Apps
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Custom Methodology
  • Custom Schedule
  • Custom Reporting
Get Started
Pay only for the detected vulnerabilities based on their category & severity.

min per bug

  • Mobile & Web App Testing
  • Pay only for Valid Bugs
  • Pay on the basis of Severity
  • Minimal Hourly Rate
  • Custom Policy
Get Started

Threats Prevented


Companies Helped


Happy Clients

Cybersecurity News

NSA, FBI Reveal Hacking Methods Used by Russian Military Hackers 728 380 Haqtify
NSA, FBI Reveal Hacking Methods Used by Russian Military Hackers
CloudFlare CDNJS Bug Could Have Led to Widespread Supply-Chain Attacks 728 380 Haqtify
CloudFlare CDNJS Bug Could Have Led to Widespread Supply-Chain Attacks
Researchers Warn of Linux Cryptojacking Attackers Operating from Romania 728 380 Haqtify
Researchers Warn of Linux Cryptojacking Attackers Operating from Romania
This New Malware Hides Itself Among Windows Defender Exclusions to Evade Detection 728 380 Haqtify
This New Malware Hides Itself Among Windows Defender Exclusions to Evade Detection
Malicious NPM Package Caught Stealing Users’ Saved Passwords From Browsers 728 380 Haqtify
Malicious NPM Package Caught Stealing Users’ Saved Passwords From Browsers
XLoader Windows InfoStealer Malware Now Upgraded to Attack macOS Systems 728 380 Haqtify
XLoader Windows InfoStealer Malware Now Upgraded to Attack macOS Systems
Oracle Warns of Critical Remotely Exploitable Weblogic Server Flaws 728 380 Haqtify
Oracle Warns of Critical Remotely Exploitable Weblogic Server Flaws
Apple Releases Urgent 0-Day Bug Patch for Mac, iPhone and iPad Devices 728 380 Haqtify
Apple Releases Urgent 0-Day Bug Patch for Mac, iPhone and iPad Devices

Scan your Web Application

OWASP Top 10 Coming Soon